Inequality and Precarity in Japan: The Sorry Achievements of Abenomics
By Sachie Mizohata, translation from Japanese and introduction
Japan was known as the home of a strong middle-class in the affluent 1980s, the fruits of its prosperous economy distributed more equitably than in many comparable high-income countries. Yet strictly speaking, contrary to popular perception, Japan was not that “egalitarian.” However, public credence was set and the Wall Street Journal (1989) to tellingly (if hyperbolically) characterize this secure society with impressive equality and principled values as “the only communist nation that works.”1 Then, sea changes followed. This once “egalitarian” society is now widely (not least in Japan) recognized as a kakusa shakai (unequal society) in which income and wealth have become more unequally distributed than in many advanced economies.2 While widening wealth gap between rich and poor is a global trend as shown in the graph by Thomas Piketty and his co-researchers (Figure 1.1), in the case of Japan, in recent decades this has been accompanied by economic stagnation, rising levels of poverty, precarity, and public debt grafted on top of population aging.3 Against these backdrops, the second Abe Shinzō government started its economic policies, proclaimed as Abenomics, in an effort “to sustainably revive the Japanese economy” that was promised to trickle-down to all.4 Five years on, evaluations have taken place on the Abe program centered on hyper monetary easing, fiscal stimuli, and structural reform.
ピケティの「世界不平等報告書」の概要 一部・邦訳掲載
ある学会会場への帰り道、バスの座席に1人ですわる彼を見かけ声をかけたことがあった。それからホテルの会場まで Luxembourg Income Study や OECDの調査について話しながら、歩いて帰ったのを思いだす。翌朝も、席につくと目の前に彼がいた。なんとも謙虚で気さくな紳士が病気を患っていたことを知り、とても悲しかった。
300頁にわたる報告書を訳すのはムリなので(経済の専門家たちがもっと上手に訳されるでしょうが)。特に興味をもった2ページを訳(意訳)してみた。グラフを見ると、われわれの共通財産である「公」の富が「私」へと移動していることがわかる。現在、公の富が私物化された、国有地の格安払いさげたという問題が取りざたされている。その諸問題の背後で、種子法は廃止され(みんなの種が、誰かさんの種になり)、TPP 協定はすすみ、アベノミクスと株価バブルで大企業と富裕層はさらにうるおう一方、公的債務は蓄積し、公ひとりひとりの教育や福祉への投資は減り、公的年金も減り、政府は人々の負託にこたえられず、国力が衰えていくという日本のすがたを映す鏡のようである。
アマルティア・セン 「障害と正義」世界銀行における基調講演 (和訳掲載)
Jérôme Jadot, Cécile Mimaut - "Les déportés oubliés d'Indochine" (21-04-2016)
4月21日 2016年 ジェローム・ジャド(国営ラジオ フランス・アンフォ)
Does the advertising giant Dentsu pull the strings of the Japanese media?
By Sachie Mizohata, translation from French and introduction
Original French article in INA Global
Introduction: How the Advertising Giant Dentsu Dominates Japanese Media Presentation on Nuclear Power?
French journalist Mathieu Gaulène describes the business practices of Dentsu and its competitor Hakuhodo, the biggest and the second biggest advertising companies of Japan respectively. Specifically, it examines how their close relations to the media and the nuclear industry play out in the wake of the 3.11 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. Focusing on Dentsu, Gaulène discusses how the marketing and public relations (PR) giant has dominated major media which large advertising contracts from the nuclear industry. The article is particularly timely as Dentsu unveils its deep ties to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic bid and the Panama Papers. Regrettably, however, with rare exceptions, there is little media coverage of the influence of Dentsu in mainstream Japanese newspapers and magazines.
According to the author, a partial translation of the French original was made by Kazparis (username), and quickly received more than 70,000 views on Twitter. Then, Uchida Tatsuru, a specialist in French literature, and HACK & SOCIETAS published two other Japanese translations. Soon after, Tokyo Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun published long articles about Dentsu.