Welcome to my website!

I am a Japanese woman living in Luxembourg, born and raised in Kyoto-Shiga, and having previously lived in New York, Chicago, Belgium, and France. I hold an MA in social work from the University of Chicago and a PhD in sociology from the University of Paris.

My first name is Sachie (phonetically pronounced "Satchié"). In Japanese, "Sachi" means happiness. My Pakistani friend pointed out that "Sachi" means truth in their language. French people often pronounce my name similarly to the verb "sachiez," which means "to know." Indeed I am curious and always seeking to learn more. "Oh, brother! Sachi means râleuse" - a complainer - in French, another friend says. I may be one of them sometimes and wish to be another. To "Get Sachie" means to understand myself better.

As an Asian woman with a background in capability theory, eResearch, sociology, translation, and writing, I bring together three distinct cultural perspectives (Japanese, European, and American). As a citizen of polyglot Luxembourg, I am also a feminist, jogger, open-source advocate, and writer. I have been fortunate enough to work on various projects and live with one of the co-inventors of TAO (see wikipedia and here)

I am also a co-founder of social-issues.org (2006-2022), a collaborative online community platform for social scientific research. Through this platform, I promote eSocial Sciences and collective modeling of social phenomena such as capability expansion, inequalities, and well-being.


  • Japanese,
  • English (level C2),
  • French (level C1),
  • Luxembourgish (level B1),
  • and Spanish (level A2).


The articles on my blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please follow Open Source guidelines by referencing the author's name, site address, and date accessed.

Creative Commons License
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://mizohata.org/